Saturday, March 31, 2007


yes, its true. I feel haunted. Not by ghosts or ghouls or some other super-natural being. But there seems to be a preoccupation; a continual reminder of part of my past. It is in no way in an obsessive nature, but in areas of my day to day activity, I am continually reminded of a time, of someone, of something. These reminders continually pull me back to a place I must apparently long for.

Does this happen? I mean does it happen to you?

It seems to be happening to me; where a song, a place, the weather... all take me to a place I revere. I share this question in awe of how my day continually pulls on these strings... continually challenges me and keeps me in some way thinking about the day before yesterday. Not that I'm not wanting to move on, to walk forward... I am. I am continually pressing forward... but then again... the haunting continues!


Angela Rachelle said...

so haunting isnt a good term, right? do you want to feel haunted?

i think we all may feel that way from time to time though .. its a phase we have to go through. maybe god is talking to you, wanting you to figure something out about know?

i dont know.
i'm just a dumb girl.

gabriel timothy zeigler said...

not always bad, just usually associated with something not good:

adj: preoccupied, as with an emotion, memory, or idea; obsessed.
v: To be continually present in; pervade
n: A place much frequented.


I'm sure He is telling me something, but going backwards isn't really my style! Clarity can be such a gift. ah, always that word: patience.


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