Saturday, April 26, 2008

Welcome Back

I like George. Its true. I like George. I don't know why specifically. Maybe its because he reminds me of a friend, or maybe it's because he's relatable. Maybe I like George because he doesn't hide, is honest, and vulnerable. Then again, maybe it's because he's a character in one of the coolest TV shows ever. But for whatever the reason... George is my guy.

As most of you know, Grey's is back. For the last five months, its been on vacation. That amount of time allows for separation. It's just enough time where you still think about it, but also long enough to forget how good it is. Somehow, you get the impression that your life, in whatever capacity it held, is okay... and in some ways better without it. But then the writer's come back to work, and the show is again on the air, and all those feelings come rushing back.

I know what you're thinking... you're like: is this guy for real? Does he realize he's talking about a TV show? Does he realize it's not real? Yes... yes... and yes. I draw the picture only to illustrate the value other people have in our lives. Whether an old friend, a lost love, a family member who's been away... I think we experience those same emotions when it comes to our own lives.

What is unique about TV is that we interact with these characters. We involve them in our daily conversations. We make time for them, we add them to our schedule, we throw parties in their honor. We have reason's to build our real life relationships because of our fictional bond with our favorite television show or character.

But for the moment, humor me... because this is what my horoscope said today :)
Someone sweet from your past might pop back into your life again soon, either in person or over the internet. Greet them with open arms or an enthusiastic reply. They were very important to you once, and they could be again. The two of you have a lot to catch up on, and their news might shock you in the most delightful way. You might have thought you had no more room in your life for more friends -- but this person isn't new, so integrate them back into things!


"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth." - Buddha Have you ever spent much time thinking about the...