Friday, August 24, 2007

Looking in the Mirror

"My target is excellence. But in order to excel in achieving this target, I must excel in characterizing myself with excellent moral values and principles."

Why do we do the exact thing we hate? I mean really, why? Is there something karmic in this universe that slaps us in the face and gets joy out of it? I don't have any exciting answer or even much of a solution, but I made a decision yesterday while driving to work. I was angry, really angry at myself. I honestly don't ever remember feeling that much anger towards myself about my action, or to be more specific, the lack of an action at all. but I was, and still feeling the hang-over from it. I've come to the conclusion that while I'm a great guy (which to be honest gets you no-where fast), I'm lazy, un-motivated, I lack personal fulfillment, and among other things... (to be frank) a loser.

Yes, I have a lot going for me, but am I really doing anything with it? I've been so busy watching life, I'm not truly living life. At least not the way I should. So here I am, proclamating to the world exactly how uncool I am, and starting now that is going to change. No more facades, or telling myself "tomorrow." Today is what I can control and today is where I will live. Key word: live... not just exist, or coast, or sit in-waiting. Today I'm taking the bull by the horns.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.


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