Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Where We Go From Here...

"Anger and Resentment can stop you in your tracks. It needs nothing to burn but the air and the life it swallows and smothers. Its real though...the fury... even when it isn't, it can change you, turn you, mold you and shape you into someone you're not.

The only upside to Anger then, is the person you become. Hopefully, someone that wakes up someday and realizes they're not afraid of its journey. Someone that knows the truth is at best a partially told story. That anger, like growth, comes in spurts and fits. And in its wake, leaves a new chance at acceptance, and the promise of calm..." ~The Upside of Anger

In tough times of life we find what we are really made of.
Isn't it interesting how we seem to grow most from and learn most from our so called failures. We may see them as a step backwards, but God may see it as a step in the direction he'd like us to be. We get angry, upset, and experience a flurry of mixed emotions. We are challenged. We are challenged by ourselves and those we interact with. I've experienced little anger...in fact, a little is still lingering, however, I think its helped me to realize some things. . . .

The trial is a test of your faith, character, and endurance.
This adversity has dropped in my lap to challenge me, strengthen me, sharpen me, keep me fresh...keep me alive and active and growing. It is pushing me to be my best...to test my faith, character, and endurance. This is an opportunity for promotion. Without the resistance of air, an eagle can't soar. Without the resistance of water, a ship can't float. Without the resistance of gravity, I can't even walk.

Adversity often pushes us into our divine destiny.

Watch your thoughts, for they become your words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.

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"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth." - Buddha Have you ever spent much time thinking about the...